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A group of authentic old photos of the Qing Dynasty. Figure 9 shows the wedding photo of Zeng Guofan's daughter-China Archive

A group of authentic old photos of the Qing Dynasty. Figure 9 shows the wedding photo of Zeng Guofan’s daughter

照片拍摄于1902年的云南昆明,一对夫妻在吃饭。  晚清的民间艺人,他们吹拉弹唱样样精通,通常服务于酒楼、茶馆等地。  照片大约拍摄于1905年左右,一位清朝官员和一块“拯人于...
Old photos of Lushunkou ceded to Japan in May 1895-China Archive

Old photos of Lushunkou ceded to Japan in May 1895

On April 17, 1895, Li Hongzhang signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki with Japan on behalf of the Qing government, ceding Liaodong Peninsula to Japan. Six days later, Russia, Germany an...
Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (II)-China Archive

Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (II)

Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (II) 1860年第二次鸦片战争期间拍摄的北京(二) 内城东北角楼东北面,城墙,护城河,远处城门是东直门。现不存。原註释:North and east corner ...
Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive

Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)

Beijing shot during the Second Opium War in 1860 1860年第二次鸦片战争期间拍摄的北京   安定门城楼上向西看到的内城北垣(城墙内外)。远处城门是德胜门。原註释:Top of the Wall from ...
Old photos of Xinjiang, China, at the end of the 19th century-China Archive

Old photos of Xinjiang, China, at the end of the 19th century

Old photos of Xinjiang in China at the end of the 19th century19世纪末的中国新疆老照片 可能是喀什。 中国宝塔     喀什。 中国宝塔     可能是喀什。 中国戏院  ...
Portraits of late Qing Dynasty, rare old color high-definition photos (Part 1)-China Archive

Portraits of late Qing Dynasty, rare old color high-definition photos (Part 1)

Portraits of late Qing Dynasty, rare color high-definition old photosThis group of old photos of Qing Dynasty portraits is Feng&middleot, a painter and photographer born in Aus...
Portraits of late Qing Dynasty, rare old color high-definition photos (Part 2)-China Archive

Portraits of late Qing Dynasty, rare old color high-definition photos (Part 2)

This group of old photos of Qing Dynasty portraits are Austrian born painter and photographer Feng· Baron Raymond (1839—— 1911) went to Guangdong, Shanghai and o...

Old photos take you back a hundred years to see how people in the late Qing Dynasty spent the Spring Festival

The Spring Festival has passed year after year, and people may feel that the Spring Festival is becoming more and more boring. But in the past, the Spring Festival was definitely t...
Old photos of the stunning scenery of Gulangyu Island in Xiamen in 1880 (Part 1)-China Archive

Old photos of the stunning scenery of Gulangyu Island in Xiamen in 1880 (Part 1)

Old photos of the stunning scenery of Gulangyu Island in Xiamen in 1880 (Part 1)This group of photos is from a Xiamen album published by Charles William Watson. Both the imaging qu...
Old photos of the stunning scenery of Gulangyu Island in Xiamen in 1880 (middle)-China Archive

Old photos of the stunning scenery of Gulangyu Island in Xiamen in 1880 (middle)

Old photos of the stunning scenery of Gulangyu Island in Xiamen in 1880 (middle)This group of photos is from a Xiamen album published by Charles William Watson. Both the imaging qu...