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Photos of Lin Huiyin-China Archive

Photos of Lin Huiyin

This webmaster has arranged a complete set of photos of Lin Huiyin's life. Welcome to check it Lin Huiyin (from June 10, 1904 to April 1, 1955), a Han nationality, was born in Hang...
Old photos of Shantou in 1922 Street view of Shantou hit hard after the August 2 Typhoon-China Archive

Old photos of Shantou in 1922 Street view of Shantou hit hard after the August 2 Typhoon

This is a group of old photos of Shantou in 1922. It is a street view of Shantou that was severely damaged after the August 2 Typhoon. The photographer is Roy Maxwell Talbot, an Am...
1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo's Camera (Part 2)-China Archive

1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)

Share a group of old photos of Kaifeng, Henan, from 1917 to 1919, and walk into Kaifeng with Gan Bo a hundred years ago (Part 2) Sydney· David· Sidney&middlet; Da...
Needham's Dunhuang Expedition (7): Crescent Spring and Shaming Mountain in Dunhuang in 1943-China Archive

Needham’s Dunhuang Expedition (7): Crescent Spring and Shaming Mountain in Dunhuang in 1943

In 1943, Joseph Needham set out from Sichuan to visit Dunhuang, Gansu, and took a large number of old photos along the way, recording the western style of China at that time. We ha...
The Sino Japanese War: Lushunkou Fall (4)-China Archive

The Sino Japanese War: Lushunkou Fall (4)

This post is a real war photo taken by Japanese army reporters in the same year. It mainly reflects the battlefield situation of Lushunkou captured by Japan in the Sino Japanese Wa...
Legendary Ye Jinglu, who took portraits consecutively from 1907 to 1968-China Archive

Legendary Ye Jinglu, who took portraits consecutively from 1907 to 1968

Ye Jinglu is an ordinary Chinese, but he recorded his life course from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China and to the new China with an extraordinary act What is h...
Zhang Bolin's Chinese Photography Collection in 1909 (16) Travel to Nanchong, Sichuan-China Archive

Zhang Bolin’s Chinese Photography Collection in 1909 (16) Travel to Nanchong, Sichuan

On January 4, 1909, an American geologist, Zhang Bolin, and his son, Luo Lin, set out from Chicago and arrived in Shanghai on February 2 of the same year. During his stay in China,...
Old Pictures of Hanzhong Cultural Scenery in the Late Qing Period (2)-China Archive

Old Pictures of Hanzhong Cultural Scenery in the Late Qing Period (2)

This group of old pictures of Hanzhong cultural landscape in the late sunny period (group 2) was taken by Italian priest Nan Huaiqian. For the background of this group of old photo...
The old photo of Guiyang, Guizhou in 1911-China Archive

The old photo of Guiyang, Guizhou in 1911

This group of photos includes the old photos of Guiyang, Guizhou in the book 'Eighteen Provinces of China' in the late Qing Dynasty The Eighteen Provinces of China was published in...
In September 1924, old photos of female college students' campus life in Chengdu-China Archive

In September 1924, old photos of female college students’ campus life in Chengdu

In September 1924, the former campus life of female college students in ChengduIn 1910, the private West China Union University was founded in Huaxiba, Chengdu by five church organ...