Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)

Beijing shot during the Second Opium War in 1860


图片[1]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


安定门城楼上向西看到的内城北垣(城墙内外)。远处城门是德胜门。原註释:Top of the Wall from Antin Gate taken possession of by British and French Troops, Octobter 21, 1860.[(英)费利斯·比托 Felice Beato]。

图片[2]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


安定门迤东东的内城北垣上面,清军的大砲(已被英法联军指向了城里)。城墙内建筑是雍和宫。原註释:Top of the Wall of Peking. [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato, 1860-10-14]。

图片[3]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


雍和宫万福阁(万佛楼,檀香木大佛主殿,由安定门迤东城墙上望城里,向东南拍摄,比托的北京第一印象) [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato, 1860-10]。

图片[4]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


雍和宫万福阁。由城墙上向东南方向拍摄。原註释:Temple of Confucius, Pekin, October 1860. [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato]。

图片[5]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive

北海琼岛白塔远眺。原註释:Felice Beato View of the Gardens and Buddhist Temple,Pekin.[费利斯·比托 Felice Beato, 1860-10-29]。

图片[6]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


北海琼岛白塔。加拿大国家美术舘藏。原註释:The Great Pagoda on the Imperial Winter Garden Palace, October 29, 1860. [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato]。

图片[7]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


北京孔庙大成殿 [不确定是 Beato 所摄, 1860s]。

图片[8]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


北京附近的一座清眞寺建筑(据说是京东常营清眞寺),二层是一个六角攒尖顶亭式阁楼。原註释:Mosque, near Peking, Occupied by the Commander in Chief and Lord Elgin.[费利斯·比托 Felice Beato, negative October 3-5, 1860]。

图片[9]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


从北海琼岛向东南眺望紫禁城、景山。原註释:View of the Imperial Winter Palace, Pekin, Showing the Artificial Mill, October 29, 1860. [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato]。

图片[10]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive

大高玄殿前东习礼亭(有并列两座)及东牌楼(有品字形排列三座牌楼。东牌楼西面额书“先天明境”,东面额书“孔绥皇祚”) [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato, 1860]。
图片[11]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


大清门全景。由正阳门城楼西侧城墙上向北拍摄 [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato, 1860]。

图片[12]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


德胜门外十方塔院内的偏融(眞圆[明])法师塔 [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato, 1860-10]。

图片[13]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


恭亲王奕訢。咸丰帝奕詝六弟,由於聪颖灵巧,皇室人称“鬼子六”,这会儿被钦命为“议和大臣”。原註释:Portrait of Prince Kung, Brother of the Emperor of China, Who Signed the Treaty. [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato, 1860-11-2]。

图片[14]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


恭亲王奕訢。原註释:Prince Kung [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato, 1860-11-2]。

图片[15]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


国子监碑林。原註释:Forest of Steles. [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato 1860]。

图片[16]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


郊外的一处坟塋。原註释:Interior of the Tomb at the Depot near Pekin, October 1860. [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato]。

图片[17]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


郊外的一处公主坟石坊。原註释:Tomb near Pa-li-k'um. The Scene of the Commencement of the Attack on the 21st September 1860 near Pekin. [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato]。

图片[18]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


郊外的一处王爷坟。加拿大国家美术舘藏 [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato, 1860]。

图片[19]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


郊外的一处王爷坟。原註释:Exterior of the Tomb Depot, near Pekin, October 1860. [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato]。

图片[20]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


街景-内城店舖(韃靼城“Tartar City”旗人所居)“广和号”绸布庄,经营“茧绸大布”。左边是“致兰斋”饭庄子,有“满洲餑餑”。原註释:Street and Shops in the Tartar City of Pekin. October 29, 1860. [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato]。

图片[21]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


街景-外城店舖(中国城“Chinese City”汉人及其他族人所居)“恒聚斋”。原註释:Shops and Street, Chinese City of Pekin. October 1860. [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato]。

图片[22]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


妙应寺白塔。元世祖忽必烈迎释迦佛舍利,至元八年(1271年)在大都城西南修建了这座覆钵式喇嘛塔。由尼泊尔人阿尼哥奉敕主持修建。现存 [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato, 1860]。

图片[23]-Shot in Beijing during the Second Opium War in 1860 (I)-China Archive


内城北垣高大的墩臺(马面)、护城河、水闸、城外的地坛。远处城门是安定门。原註释:21st October 1860, Also Wall of Pekin. [费利斯·比托 Felice Beato]。

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