“Yingzhi” bronze mirror decorated with mythical animals and grapevines, Sui to early Tang dynasty, 7th century

“Yingzhi” bronze mirror decorated with mythical animals and grapevines, Sui to early Tang dynasty, 7th century

  • Image Number: C1A000349N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Sui dynasty
  • Category: Bronzes
  • Function: Household appliance
  • Material: Mineral/Metal/Bronze
  • Description:
    Round mirror, hemispherical button, round button holder. The decorative pattern on the mirror back is divided into internal and external areas by high string patterns. In the inner area, four auspicious animals swam among the vines, which was the earlier form of the mirror pattern of auspicious animals in the Tang Dynasty. In the outer area, there is a four character verse: “Cultivate the shape, cultivate the spirit and refine the spirit, and work with high quality. Like a pearl out of a box, it is like a moon in the sky. When the eyebrows are green, the face is red. The beautiful windows are embroidered, all with shadows.” The content of the inscription changed from the popular theme of immortals since the Han Dynasty to the scene of women finishing their makeup in the boudoir, opening a new theme of mirror inscriptions in the Sui and Tang dynasties.

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图片[2]-“Yingzhi” bronze mirror decorated with mythical animals and grapevines, Sui to early Tang dynasty, 7th century-China Archive
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