“Yuxia” bronze mirror decorated with ginkgo leaves, Sui to early Tang dynasty, 7th century

“Yuxia” bronze mirror decorated with ginkgo leaves, Sui to early Tang dynasty, 7th century

  • Image Number: C1A000351N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Sui dynasty
  • Category: Bronzes
  • Function: Household appliance
  • Material: Mineral/Metal/Bronze
  • Description:
    Circular mirror. The inner and outer areas of the mirror back decoration are bounded by thin string patterns. The inner area is a radial distribution of eight branches of Ginkgo biloba, and the intersection of branches forms a mirror button. Yu Xin, a poet of the Northern Zhou Dynasty who was cast in the outer area, said, “When the mirror is opened at the beginning of the jade box, a light wind blows away the dust. The light is like a piece of water, which reflects people on both sides.”

隋-初唐 「玉匣」鏡
图片[2]-“Yuxia” bronze mirror decorated with ginkgo leaves, Sui to early Tang dynasty, 7th century-China Archive
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