Lin Chun Loquat Mountain Bird Page

[Lin Chun Loquat Mountain Bird Map Page]

Loquat Mountain Bird Map Page, Song Dynasty, silk version, color setting, 26.9 cm vertically and 27.2 cm horizontally
This picture has no style. The seal is sealed with “Song Luo Examination and Approval” and “The Treasure of Xuantong Imperial Tour”. The inscription on the border: “Song people painted loquat mountain birds”
The picture shows that in May, the mature loquat fruit is particularly attractive under the summer light. An embroidered eye with a raised tail was perched on a loquat branch and was about to peck at the fruit, but found an ant on it. He turned his beak and looked at it, looking very vivid and interesting. The loquat branches seem to vibrate up and down with the imbalance of the center of gravity of the embroidered eyes. The picture is still and moving, full of fun. Embroidered feathers are first dyed with color and ink halo, and then carved with fine but not stiff small brush strokes, showing the different textures of the bird’s back feathers, which are dense and smooth, and the belly hair, which is fluffy and soft. The loquat fruit is outlined with earthy yellow lines, then filled with golden yellow, and finally painted with ochre navel. The three different warm colors blend, thus showing the fullness and sweetness of the loquat fruit in its mature period. The loquat leaf is represented by the meticulous and meticulous heavy color method, which not only faithfully depicts the various natural shapes of the leaf surface turning back, but also meticulously delineates the damaged traces of the leaf surface bitten by insects, fully reflecting the artistic level of the realistic flower and bird painting in the Song Dynasty
The third edition of Shiqu Baoji is described.
图片[1]-Lin Chun Loquat Mountain Bird Page-China Archive

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