Zhang Maoshuang mandarin duck picture page

[Zhang Mao’s picture page of two mandarin ducks]

The picture page of two mandarin ducks, Song Dynasty, Zhang Mao’s painting, Wanfan’s page, silk edition, color setting, 24.4cm vertically and 18.3cm horizontally
This style: “Zhang Mao”
This picture selects part of the waterscape: a clump of reed and polygonum grass sticks into the picture, with sparse branches and leaves and residual snow. A pair of mandarin ducks broke through the water and swam to the reeds. A wagtail perched lightly on a reed pole, echoing the other one that dived down. The large blank space in the middle and upper part of the picture reminds people of the vast smoke waves in the vast water area. In the composition, it is quite wonderful to see the small scene in the big picture
The composition of the picture is simple and clear, and it is permeated with a faint chill. The atmosphere is peaceful and peaceful, implying that cold is not alien. The painter only painted a few water ripples at the swimming place of the mandarin duck, which not only showed the movement of the mandarin duck, but also reflected the ripples of the water. In addition to creating a peaceful and happy situation with mandarin ducks as the theme, two birds are added to the picture, and their looking relationship makes the first half of the picture more vivid
The reed is hooked with ink, and the strokes are straight and vigorous. Although the birds are small, they are meticulous, clear and exquisite, and have extraordinary skills
It is saved in the book “Wanfan Painting”. The first edition of Shiqu Treasure Collection.
图片[1]-Zhang Maoshuang mandarin duck picture page-China Archive

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