Drawing page of weeping willows and flying catkins

[Drawing page of weeping willows and flying catkins]

Drawing page of weeping willows and flying catkins, Southern Song Dynasty, silk version, colored, 25.8 cm vertically and 26.4 cm horizontally
There is no money in this picture. Seal the “Ink Forest Secret Play”, “Xiang Zijing Family Treasure”, “Xiang Yuanbian Seal”, and “Shenpin”
The picture depicts four branches of new green weeping willows, curling up and dancing like snow, revealing infinite spring. In the painting, the willow branch is drawn with a stroke of the center; The willow leaves are outlined with a fine pen and filled with juicy green; Liu Xu points it with a white chalk. The whole picture is neat and elegant in color. The composition is appropriate. The hanging willow branches on the top and the protruding willow branches on the right divide the picture into four parts with different shapes. At the top left of the picture is an inscription by Yang Shi, the queen of the Song Ningzong Emperor, which reads: “The thread is twisted according to the green, and the gold is curled up to the yellow”, and is stamped with the “Kun Gua” shape seal in the Eight Diagrams
There is a poem inscribed by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty: “There is a queen of Yang in Qingyuan, but it is out of Guanxi. The painting is from the best of the women, and the book will match the emperor. The branches of the wind are like the sun, and the snow is not stained with mud. Set a comparison with the Xie family sentence, and one can make a loss.” Seal the “treasure of the Supreme Emperor”, “the treasure of the eight symbols of the eight symbols of the eight thoughts”, and “keep improving”
This picture was once collected by Xiang Yuanbian of the Ming Dynasty and the Inner Government of the Qing Dynasty, and described in the “Continuation of Shiqu Treasure Collection”.
图片[1]-Drawing page of weeping willows and flying catkins-China Archive

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