White jade double standing ear music cup

[White Jade Double Ear Ritual and Music Cup]

White Jade Double Ear Ritual and Music Cup, Song, 7.5 cm high, 11-11.4 cm outer diameter, 4.5 cm foot diameter. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The cup is made of white jade, round, slightly skimmed, with thick wall. The inner wall is embossed with 32 cloud patterns, and the outer wall is decorated with ritual music pictures, with 10 people embossed, or playing or singing with sheng, flute, panpipe, pipa and other instruments. Each side of the cup is carved with a human ear. The man holds the cup mouth and steps on the clouds
A silver music cup was unearthed in the tomb of the Song Dynasty in Anhui Province, similar to this cup. The shape of this cup was very popular in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. This jade cup entered the court of the Qing Dynasty earlier and was deeply loved by the Emperor Qianlong. Among the jade relics of the Qing Dynasty, there are imitations of the Qianlong period.
图片[1]-White jade double standing ear music cup-China Archive
图片[2]-White jade double standing ear music cup-China Archive白玉双立人耳礼乐杯局部图片[3]-White jade double standing ear music cup-China Archive白玉双立人耳礼乐杯拓片

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