Picture page of Shuangke Bamboo Stream

[Picture page of Shuangke Bamboo Stream]

Picture page of Shuangke Bamboo Stream, Southern Song Dynasty, silk version, color setting, 27.5cm vertical and 26.8cm horizontal
There is no money in this picture. Seal the “Yizhai Fine Play” and “Song Luo Approval” collection seals
The picture depicts the winter scenery in the mountains. The sky is overcast and snowy, the frost is facing the water, the streams under the river run, the water splashes, and the bamboo forest is verdant in the distance. Two mountain birds perch on the branches and look into the distance, drawing the viewer’s eyes to the outside of the painting, thus receiving the artistic effect of painting. In the picture, Lao Ke and Cong Zhu use vigorous strokes, the strokes of water spray and bird feathers are soft, the running water is surging, and the mountains and rocks are towering and motionless, making the picture form an artistic effect of hardness and softness, and dynamic and static contrast
Description of the Third Collection of Treasures of Shiqu in the Qing Dynasty.
图片[1]-Picture page of Shuangke Bamboo Stream-China Archive

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