Old photos of Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1930

1930 The old photos of Shaoxing, Zhejiang

In the first half of the 19th century, in order to annex China, the Japanese aggressors sent intelligence personnel to investigate China in the name of exploration and scholars, and took a large number of human geography photos from September 1924 to 1944. Established by Japanese; Manchu Mongolian Prints Association” It is published monthly as Yadong Printed Painting Collection, and this group of photos is from Yadong Printed Painting Collection

1930 浙江绍兴老照片


图片[1]-Old photos of Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1930-China Archive


图片[2]-Old photos of Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1930-China Archive

(1930年6月出版),绍兴城内,商铺临水而建,来往交易便利,中间挂着的店旗上写:“大昌官酱园”,店门旁依稀可见“酱园乳坊”,旁边一家四个木牌,好像写有 洋货,广货等字样。

图片[3]-Old photos of Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1930-China Archive


图片[4]-Old photos of Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1930-China Archive


图片[5]-Old photos of Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1930-China Archive


图片[6]-Old photos of Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1930-China Archive


图片[7]-Old photos of Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1930-China Archive

(1930年6月出版),已经灌装酒的酒坛,用荷叶盖住坛口,再用泥巴封好,将印刷好的有自家酒坊名称的纸片贴上酒坛,片中人正将泥巴压实,一个澡盆装满了泥巴,酒坛的侧面写有“浦 竹叶青”的字样,其余文字依稀可见“茂记造”,应该这家酒坊名称就是茂记,制作的是东浦竹叶青老酒。

图片[8]-Old photos of Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1930-China Archive


图片[9]-Old photos of Shaoxing, Zhejiang in 1930-China Archive


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