The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925

Today, I would like to share with you a group of old photos of Gansu in 1925, taken by Joseph· Locke

Joseph· Rock (Joseph Francis Charles) was born in Vienna on January 13, 1884. In 1905, Locke came to the United States alone. In 1911, he officially became a professor of botany at the University of Hawaii. During 1922-1932, he visited China six times, mainly in Sichuan, Gansu, Yunnan and Qinghai

In April 1925, he came to Gansu for an investigation. Before and after April 11, he arrived at Zhuoni, Gansu, and took a large number of local photos. Xiao Bianxian made a simple arrangement of these photos. The text below the photo was originally an English note added by the author Locke

Zhuoni County, subordinate to Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu Province, is located at the eastern edge of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and southeast of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu Province

图片[1]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive

1925年4月11日,年家村 朝着白龙江上游继续前行,“白龙江在一个叫年家村附近的地方拐了一个大弯。

图片[2]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive

1925年4月11日,清水子村 在清水子村一家客栈投宿,打开留声机放上几曲音乐享受一下,村子里的男女老少从未见过这会发声的洋玩意,好奇,纷纷拥来一起欣赏。

图片[3]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive


图片[4]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive


图片[5]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive

1925年4月11日,清水子村的妇女 到了一个叫清水子村的地方,这里的已婚妇女用红绳将头发缠绕梳辫起带柄的发髻样式。

图片[6]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive

1925年4月12日,岷江栈道 从清水子村出发,拐入白龙江支流岷江。

图片[7]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive

1925年4月12日,岷江栈道 过官亭,走的又是贴着岩壁修筑的栈道。在悬崖凹入的一处角落,修起一座小小的观音庙,保佑平安。

图片[8]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive

1925年4月14日,宕昌 过宕昌,但见松树挺拔,高约25米

图片[9]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive


图片[10]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive

1925年4月15日,至岷州的路上 望向长江流域一侧,满目荒凉。“一路走来,这里是阶州(武都)至岷州(岷县)路上翻越的最高点,也是黄河与长江流域的分水岭,海拔在2650米

图片[11]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive

1925年4月21日,洮河,秦关 来到卓尼东40里,洮河边一个叫秦关的村子,但见洮河的河床上突起一小岛,上面有座小庙

图片[12]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive


图片[13]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive


图片[14]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive

1925年5月28日,卓尼白石崖寺 依山而建 坐落在卓尼所辖的完冒,距离洮州(临潭)旧城1天行程,为卓尼土司掌控的领地。

图片[15]-The old photo of Zhuoni County, Gansu in 1925-China Archive



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