In 1925, the old photo of Dangar Ancient City in Huangyuan, Qinghai, used to be the capital of tea and horse merchants

Share a group of old photos of Dangar Ancient City in Huangyuan County, Qinghai Province in 1925. At that time, Huangyuan belonged to Gansu Province, and the photographer was Locke

Joseph· Born in Vienna on January 13, 1884, Rock (Joseph Francis Charles) was an adventurer when he was young and always dreamed of traveling. During 1922-1932, he visited China six times, mainly in Sichuan, Gansu, Yunnan and Qinghai. He came to Gansu for investigation in April 1925. During the following two years of investigation in Gansu, he took a large number of local photos, mapped topographic maps, and collected a large number of physical specimens and cultural relics

From September 20 to October 3, 1925, he took the following old photos in the ancient city of Dangar, Huangyuan, and compiled them for everyone to read

图片[1]-In 1925, the old photo of Dangar Ancient City in Huangyuan, Qinghai, used to be the capital of tea and horse merchants-China Archive


图片[2]-In 1925, the old photo of Dangar Ancient City in Huangyuan, Qinghai, used to be the capital of tea and horse merchants-China Archive

1925年9月20日,丹葛尔城 湟源丹噶尔城,湟水源区,地处西宁西80里,是西北地区茶马互市的商都。

图片[3]-In 1925, the old photo of Dangar Ancient City in Huangyuan, Qinghai, used to be the capital of tea and horse merchants-China Archive


图片[4]-In 1925, the old photo of Dangar Ancient City in Huangyuan, Qinghai, used to be the capital of tea and horse merchants-China Archive


图片[5]-In 1925, the old photo of Dangar Ancient City in Huangyuan, Qinghai, used to be the capital of tea and horse merchants-China Archive


图片[6]-In 1925, the old photo of Dangar Ancient City in Huangyuan, Qinghai, used to be the capital of tea and horse merchants-China Archive


图片[7]-In 1925, the old photo of Dangar Ancient City in Huangyuan, Qinghai, used to be the capital of tea and horse merchants-China Archive


图片[8]-In 1925, the old photo of Dangar Ancient City in Huangyuan, Qinghai, used to be the capital of tea and horse merchants-China Archive


图片[9]-In 1925, the old photo of Dangar Ancient City in Huangyuan, Qinghai, used to be the capital of tea and horse merchants-China Archive


湟源丹噶尔古城位于青海省湟源县,地处黄河北岸,西海之滨,湟水源头,距西宁市40公里。被誉为 “海藏咽喉”、“茶马商都”。丹噶尔,即藏语“东科尔”的蒙语音译,意为“白海螺”。黄土高原与青藏高原在这里结合,农耕文化与草原文化在这里相交,唐蕃古道与丝绸南路在这里穿越,众多民族在这里集聚,素有“海藏咽喉”、“茶马商都”、“小北京”之美称。


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