Old Photos of Hangzhou in the Republic of China West Lake Scenery and Lingyin Temple

Share a group of old photos of Hangzhou in the Republic of China, taking the beautiful scenery and famous scenic spots of the West Lake at that time

The old photos of this group are from the postcards of the West Lake in Hangzhou series issued by Japanese in those years, which were issued by the Hangzhou Inoue Photo Store. The specific age is unknown and should be issued during the Anti Japanese War. This group of photos is from Kyoto University, Japan

图片[1]-Old Photos of Hangzhou in the Republic of China West Lake Scenery and Lingyin Temple-China Archive

民国西湖 岳王墓

图片[2]-Old Photos of Hangzhou in the Republic of China West Lake Scenery and Lingyin Temple-China Archive

民国西湖 孤山

图片[3]-Old Photos of Hangzhou in the Republic of China West Lake Scenery and Lingyin Temple-China Archive

民国西湖 卍字亭

图片[4]-Old Photos of Hangzhou in the Republic of China West Lake Scenery and Lingyin Temple-China Archive

民国西湖 西冷桥

图片[5]-Old Photos of Hangzhou in the Republic of China West Lake Scenery and Lingyin Temple-China Archive

民国西湖 西湖夕阳风光 陈英士铜像


图片[6]-Old Photos of Hangzhou in the Republic of China West Lake Scenery and Lingyin Temple-China Archive

民国西湖 葛岭山

图片[7]-Old Photos of Hangzhou in the Republic of China West Lake Scenery and Lingyin Temple-China Archive

民国西湖 西湖孤山的中山公园对面,西湖边上,有个牌坊,上书“光华复旦”。这个牌坊是清朝的行宫的牌坊,一直保存在现在。


图片[8]-Old Photos of Hangzhou in the Republic of China West Lake Scenery and Lingyin Temple-China Archive

民国西湖 玉泉观鱼

图片[9]-Old Photos of Hangzhou in the Republic of China West Lake Scenery and Lingyin Temple-China Archive

民国西湖 灵隐寺 仁王?

图片[10]-Old Photos of Hangzhou in the Republic of China West Lake Scenery and Lingyin Temple-China Archive

民国西湖 灵隐寺 弥勒佛

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