Hangzhou 25 results
Ten old photos of West Lake in Hangzhou in 1911-China Archive

Ten old photos of West Lake in Hangzhou in 1911

The ten old photos of Hangzhou West Lake in 19111911年的 杭州西湖十景老照片 西湖十景为:苏堤春晓、断桥残雪、曲院风荷、花港观鱼、柳浪闻莺、雷峰夕照、三潭印月、平湖秋月、双峰插云、南...
Old photos of the West Lake in Hangzhou in the 1900s-China Archive

Old photos of the West Lake in Hangzhou in the 1900s

An old photo of West Lake in Hangzhou in the 1900s, taken by Armstrong 年久失修的雷峰塔 钱塘江 六和塔 平湖秋月,西湖十景之一 秋瑾烈士墓位于西泠桥南端 灵隐寺
1911 Old photos of Hangzhou, Zhejiang-China Archive

1911 Old photos of Hangzhou, Zhejiang

This group of photos includes the old photos of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in the book 'The Eighteen Provinces of China' in the late Qing Dynasty The Eighteen Provinces of China w...
Old photos of Hangzhou West Lake in 1911 (Part 2)-China Archive

Old photos of Hangzhou West Lake in 1911 (Part 2)

The old photo of the beautiful scenery of West Lake in Hangzhou in 1911 (Part 2), the upper part of this group of photos is detailed in:The old photo of the beautiful scenery of th...
Old photos of the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou West Lake in 1911 (Part 1)-China Archive

Old photos of the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou West Lake in 1911 (Part 1)

The old photo of the beautiful scenery of West Lake in Hangzhou in 1911 (Part 1), the lower part of this group of photos is shown in:The old photos of the beautiful scenery of the ...
Old Photos of Hangzhou in 1908 Record of Hangzhou's Scenery and People's Life a Hundred Years ago-China Archive

Old Photos of Hangzhou in 1908 Record of Hangzhou’s Scenery and People’s Life a Hundred Years ago

Sharing a group of old photos of Hangzhou in 1908, let's take a look at the landscape of Hangzhou a hundred years ago and the life style of the people This group of pictures was ta...
Old photos of missionary activities of foreign missionaries in Dinghai, Zhoushan, 1910-1930-China Archive

Old photos of missionary activities of foreign missionaries in Dinghai, Zhoushan, 1910-1930

Old photos of foreign missionaries' missionary activities in Dinghai, Zhoushan, from 1910 to 1930&# 8203;&# 8203;&# 8203;&# 8203;1910-1930年 外国传教士在舟山定海的...
Old photo of Leifeng Pagoda in Hangzhou in 1909-China Archive

Old photo of Leifeng Pagoda in Hangzhou in 1909

In the old photos of Hangzhou that I have collated, the image of Leifeng Pagoda has appeared many times. In the previous article, I have sent two groups of real old photos in front...
Old photos of Hangzhou market 100 years ago-China Archive

Old photos of Hangzhou market 100 years ago

Old photos of Hangzhou 100 years ago100年前的杭州市井老照片
1937 Zhejiang Hangzhou Jianqiao Aircraft Factory-China Archive

1937 Zhejiang Hangzhou Jianqiao Aircraft Factory

In 1937, the old photo of Zhejiang Hangzhou Jianqiao Aircraft Manufacturing FactoryFrom 1934 to 1937, the National Government, in preparation for the war against Japan, established...