1933 Old Changchun Photos The former Manchukuo Imperial Concorde

Share a group of old photos of Changchun in 1933, mainly about the relevant materials of the former Manchukuo Imperial Concorde, as well as the historical materials of Japan’s invasion of China

This group of old photos was taken from the Postcard Series of the Matsushima Imperial Concorde issued by the Japanese in that year. The Japanese group of photos was taken from Kyoto University in Japan on March 1, 1933

The Concorde was a political organization established during Japan’s invasion of China& ldquo; Nine· 18” After the incident, the anti Japanese tide of the Chinese people was rising day by day, and the Japanese aggressors needed a“ National organizations with ideological education”, So as to facilitate the enslavement education of the Chinese people. So the Japanese Kwantung Army planned and personally formed the puppet Manchukuo Concorde, which was established on July 25, 1932

Senior officials from Japan and Manchukuo were present at the” Country; Business; Institute; At the inaugural meeting, Pu Yi issued his “Doctrine on Governance”, and Zhang Jinghui was also the president. The commander of the Japanese Kwantung Army, the chief of staff and the head of the General Affairs Department act as honorary advisers and honorary directors respectively. The Articles of Association of the Concorde:“ The purpose of the Association is to seek to revitalize the founding spirit of Manchuria and promote the royal land politics

图片[1]-1933 Old Changchun Photos The former Manchukuo Imperial Concorde-China Archive


图片[2]-1933 Old Changchun Photos The former Manchukuo Imperial Concorde-China Archive


图片[3]-1933 Old Changchun Photos The former Manchukuo Imperial Concorde-China Archive



图片[4]-1933 Old Changchun Photos The former Manchukuo Imperial Concorde-China Archive


图片[5]-1933 Old Changchun Photos The former Manchukuo Imperial Concorde-China Archive


图片[6]-1933 Old Changchun Photos The former Manchukuo Imperial Concorde-China Archive



图片[7]-1933 Old Changchun Photos The former Manchukuo Imperial Concorde-China Archive



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