Calligraphic model books 186 results
Rubbing of the King Luxiao Engraved Stone-China Archive

Rubbing of the King Luxiao Engraved Stone

Rubber of the King Luxiao Engraved StoneImage Number:K2D000113N000000000PAADynamy:Han dynamityCategory:Calligraphic model booksForm:Axis Pictures & Images [HD] download
Dingwu Orchid Pavilion Preface Rubbing in Zhao’s Collection-China Archive

Dingwu Orchid Pavilion Preface Rubbing in Zhao’s Collection

Dingwu Orchid Pavilion Preface Rubbing in Zhao’s Collection Image Number: K2D000002N000000000PADDynasty: Wei, Jin, Southern & Northern Dynasties (Six Dynasties)Category: Calli...
北宋榻絳帖 (八) 冊-China Archive

北宋榻絳帖 (八) 冊

北宋榻絳帖 (八) 冊 Image Number: K2D000049N000000000PABDynasty: Wei, Jin, Southern & Northern Dynasties (Six Dynasties)Category: Calligraphic model booksAuthor: 卞壺;王洽;王...
三希堂法帖(十四) 冊-China Archive

三希堂法帖(十四) 冊

三希堂法帖(十四) 冊 Image Number: K2D000171N000000000PAEDynasty: Song dynastyCategory: Calligraphic model booksAuthor: Mi Fu;米芾Form: 冊(經摺裝)Description: Song Mifu's Tiaoxi P...
Modelbook Calligraphy in the Three Rarities Hall-China Archive

Modelbook Calligraphy in the Three Rarities Hall

Modelbook Calligraphy in the Three Rarities Hall Image Number: C2D000022N000000000PADDynasty: Yuan dynastyCategory: Calligraphic model booksAuthor: 永寧;祝允明;楊循吉;董其昌;管道昇...
拓本敬勝齋法帖 (三十六) 冊 清高宗臨王寵書前後出師表-China Archive

拓本敬勝齋法帖 (三十六) 冊 清高宗臨王寵書前後出師表

拓本敬勝齋法帖 (三十六) 冊 清高宗臨王寵書前後出師表 Image Number: K2D000249N000000000PACDynasty: Qing dynastyCategory: Calligraphic model booksAuthor: 愛新覺羅弘曆Form: 冊(經摺裝...
Chunhua Original Modelbooks (IX)-China Archive

Chunhua Original Modelbooks (IX)

Chunhua Original Modelbooks (IX) Image Number: K2D000144N000000000PAGDynasty: Wei, Jin, Southern & Northern Dynasties (Six Dynasties)Category: Calligraphic model booksAuthor: ...
宋榻武岡帖 (三) 冊-China Archive

宋榻武岡帖 (三) 冊

宋榻武岡帖 (三) 冊 Image Number: K2D000054N000000000PACDynasty: Wei, Jin, Southern & Northern Dynasties (Six Dynasties)Category: Calligraphic model booksAuthor: 王珉;王...
清人蘭亭八柱帖(巽) 冊-China Archive

清人蘭亭八柱帖(巽) 冊

清人蘭亭八柱帖(巽) 冊 Image Number: C2D000037N000000000PACDynasty: Tang dynastyCategory: Calligraphic model booksForm: 冊(經摺裝)Exhibition dimension: 29.8x 34.2Description: Pict...
Modelbook Calligraphy in the Three Rarities Hall-China Archive

Modelbook Calligraphy in the Three Rarities Hall

Modelbook Calligraphy in the Three Rarities Hall Image Number: C2D000012N000000000PACDynasty: Song dynastyCategory: Calligraphic model booksAuthor: 蘇軾;蘇過;蘇邁;蘇轍Form: 冊(經摺...