Title Plaque for the Temple of Confucius

Title Plaque for the Temple of Confucius

  • Image Number: K2D000100N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic model books
  • Author: 夏鰭
  • Form:
  • Description:
    This title was engraved on the back of the Monument of Confucius Yan Zizang in the Tang Dynasty. The inscription reads: “Bingshensui (1116), Mid Autumn Day. Under the Ancestral Shrine, Zhenghe Kuaiji and Xiaji respectfully worship.” He was the magistrate of Xingren Mansion (now Heze, Shandong Province) in Xia Ji’s time. Although he was not a famous calligrapher, he still used his pen to form characters in an ancient way. The front of the monument has been damaged. It is only the upper left corner of the original stone. It was carved in May of the 11th year of the Kaiyuan era (723). According to the content, it should be Qu Tu’s book “Confucius Laozi Praise” written by the Yanzhou Army, recorded in the “Compilation of Treasure Carvings”. It is carved with Tang Ruizong’s “Confucius Praise” on the left and Tang Xuanzong’s “Yan Zizan” on the right. The original monument is now preserved in the Confucius Temple in Qufu, Shandong Province.

宋夏鰭孔廟題名 軸

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