1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)

Share a group of old photos of Kaifeng, Henan, from 1917 to 1919, and walk into Kaifeng with Gan Bo a hundred years ago (Part 2)

Sydney· David· Sidney&middlet; David&middlet; Gamble (1890-1968) is an American social economist, humanist and famous photographer. During his five trips between China and the United States between 1908 and 1932, he took a lot of precious photos during his travels in western China. This group of photos was taken by him in Kaifeng, Henan Province between 1917 and 1919

At present, Gan Bo’s photo editor has collected more than 4600 photos, including more than 60 photos about Kaifeng (judged according to the original label of the photos). The editor has sorted them out and released them all. There are many photos, which are published in two episodes. This group is the next episode, and the last one is: http://www.laozhaopian5.com/minguo/1802.html , welcome to read

The introduction below the photo is translated from the author’s original annotation. Please point out that the author’s annotation may have errors

图片[1]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[2]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive

波蒂特夫妇和卡拉瑟斯夫妇合影 (甘博在开封的朋友)

图片[3]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[4]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive

戴帽子穿长衫的男子 (后期手工上色彩色照)

图片[5]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[6]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive

教会 妇女班合影

图片[7]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[8]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive

教徒 彩色照

图片[9]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive



图片[10]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[11]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive

开封 龙亭

图片[12]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive

开封 龙亭 一群可爱的孩子

图片[13]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[14]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive

标注称 一伙乞丐在玩杂耍

图片[15]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive

标注称 一伙乞丐在玩杂耍

图片[16]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[17]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[18]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[19]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive

开封铁塔 彩色照

图片[20]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive

开封 在龙亭上香的老太太们

图片[21]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[22]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[23]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[24]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


明清两代开封犹太教(即一赐乐业教)寺内的古碑共有三块,本碑为弘治碑, 立于明弘治二年(1489),题为《重建清真寺记》, 由开封府生员金钟撰, 内载犹太教源流、教义、教规等,以及开封犹太教寺沿革。

图片[25]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[26]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[27]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive



图片[28]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[29]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[30]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


图片[31]-1917 Old Photos of Kaifeng, Henan: Kaifeng under Gan Bo’s Camera (Part 2)-China Archive


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