In September 1924, old photos of female college students’ campus life in Chengdu

In September 1924, the former campus life of female college students in Chengdu

In 1910, the private West China Union University was founded in Huaxiba, Chengdu by five church organizations from the United States, Britain and Canada

September 7, 1924, should be remembered by history. On that day, eight Chinese female students entered the administrative building of West China Union University and became college students. West China Union University has also become the first coeducational university in western China

Eight female college students studied medicine, literature and science respectively. In 1929, five five-year students graduated, four of whom received a bachelor’s degree in education and one received a bachelor’s degree in literature. After eight years of study, the famous expert in obstetrics and gynecology and medical education Jiale Yicheng was awarded the first female medical doctor of West China Union University in 1932


1910年 美国、英国、加拿大的5个教会组织在成都华西坝创办的私立华西协和大学。



图片[1]-In September 1924, old photos of female college students’ campus life in Chengdu-China Archive

图片[2]-In September 1924, old photos of female college students’ campus life in Chengdu-China Archive

图片[3]-In September 1924, old photos of female college students’ campus life in Chengdu-China Archive
图片[4]-In September 1924, old photos of female college students’ campus life in Chengdu-China Archive

图片[5]-In September 1924, old photos of female college students’ campus life in Chengdu-China Archive
图片[6]-In September 1924, old photos of female college students’ campus life in Chengdu-China Archive
图片[7]-In September 1924, old photos of female college students’ campus life in Chengdu-China Archive
图片[8]-In September 1924, old photos of female college students’ campus life in Chengdu-China Archive
图片[9]-In September 1924, old photos of female college students’ campus life in Chengdu-China Archive
图片[10]-In September 1924, old photos of female college students’ campus life in Chengdu-China Archive

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