Poetry by Du Fu

Poetry by Du Fu

  • Image Number: K2B000211N000000001PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: 董其昌
  • Form: 冊(摺裝)
  • Description:
    This volume transcribes five poems in Du Fu’s “Autumn Prosperity”. At the end of the calendar year, it was sealed with the seal of “Master Zongbo”. It is known that it was written by Du Fu after he served as the Right Attendant of the Ritual Department and the Imperial Academy Attendant in the third year of the apocalypse (1623). The strokes of Xiaoxing regular script are old and cool, the stippling is still sharp, the lines are horizontal and vertical, and the changes are rich and natural. The legacy of Zhiyong, Ou and Yu can be seen vaguely, which is a comprehensive style of Xiaoxing regular script. Dong Qichang mentioned that although he is famous for running grass, most of them are casual works, just thoughtless works of reward. The most proud thing in his life is small regular script. Due to the scarcity of the number, such small regular script which is not easy to write gets less attention.

明董其昌書杜詩 冊 01

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