Shao Yong’s “Biography of Mr. No-Name”

Shao Yong’s “Biography of Mr. No-Name”

  • Image Number: K2B000645N000000001PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: Dong Qichang;董其昌
  • Form: 冊(蝴蝶裝‧方幅式)
  • Description:
    Shao Shi’an was the same as Dong Qichang’s in the exam. He praised Shao Yong’s (1011-1077) Biography of the Unknown Duke and the works of Confucius Cheng and Zhu. Shi An was the 22nd grandson of Shao Yong. He hoped to praise his ancestor and spread it widely. Although Dong Qichang boasts that he writes in the style of “Preface to the Sacred Religion of the King Collection”, his style is still his own semi cursive script, which is meticulous and smooth, revealing, round and full in lines, neat and regular in knots, and elegant in style. Dong Qichang speculated that the Preface to Jiwang Shengjiao should not be written by Wang Xizhi, but by Huai Ren, according to the ink on the silk.

明董其昌書邵雍無名公傳 冊 01

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