The Wangchuan Poems

The Wangchuan Poems

  • Image Number: K2B000209N000000001PAA
  • Dynasty: Ming dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: Dong Qichang;董其昌
  • Form: 冊(摺裝)
  • Description:
    In the late spring of the 28th year of Wanli (1600), Dong Qichang went to Yixing (Jingxi) to visit Wu Zhengzhi (1562 -?), a scholar in the same year, Wang Wei (701-761) wrote Wang Chuan’s Poems for him. The Wu family is a collector in Yixing, and they have a very close and frequent contact The White Cloud picture was also made for him. Huang Gongwang’s “Dwelling Picture of Fuchun Mountain”, which Dong Qichang collected, was later transferred to Wu Zhengzhi. Wu Hongyu, his son, tried to burn the painting before he died, but luckily it was saved. This book is written in a subtle and concise way. The lines are round, thick and glossy, but they do not lose clarity and strength. The rich and varied ink color reflects the movement and writing rhythm of the pen. The slightly twisted knot makes the work more lively.

明董其昌書輞川詩 冊 01

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