Censer with fish-shaped handles in celadon glaze, Yuan dynasty, 14th century

Censer with fish-shaped handles in celadon glaze, Yuan dynasty, 14th century

  • Image Number: K1B017447N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Yuan dynasty
  • Category: Ceramics
  • Function: Incense ware
  • Description:
    Xiang Yuanbian (1525-1590), known as Zijing, was a great Tibetan who was active in Jiangnan in the 16th century. During his lifetime, he built the “Sound of Nature Pavilion” as a collection place, and invited Wen Peng, Wen Zhenheng’s grandfather, and Wen Jia, his uncle, to identify the paintings. The story of his hunting for cultural relics and the price he got were also published in different texts and paintings. The fish ear stove is attached with a wooden cover, and two seals, “Zijing” and “Xiang Yuanbian’s seal”, are stamped on the inside, revealing that the porcelain stove was once collected in Xiang Yuanbian’s home as a treasure. (Cited from the exhibition description of “Daily Life in a Small Age – A Proposal for Life in the 17th Century”)

元 青瓷魚耳爐

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