Calligraphy of the Four Great Sung Masters

Calligraphy of the Four Great Sung Masters

  • Image Number: K2B000132N000000000PAC
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: Cai Xiang;Huang Tingjian;Mi Fu;Su Shi;米芾;黃庭堅;蔡襄;蘇軾
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: (1)29.6×59、(2)30.9×47.9、(3)29.3×21.7、(4)26.5×82
  • Description:
    Cai Xiang’s “Haiyu Calligraphy” was written at the age of 37. It was written in a cautious and solemn way, and it is a rare small regular script. Su Shi’s “The Second Rhyme of the Book and the Poems of the Three Sages on the Province”, written at the age of 52, is calm, steady and rich in meaning. Huang Tingjian’s Letter to Uncle Ming in the Same Year was written with a round pen, which is strong and graceful. Mi Fu’s “Tao Wei Tie” is a masterpiece of mature calligraphy style. At the age of 49, the book was arranged at will with smooth charm. These four works were mounted into one volume by Li Zongkong, a collector in the early Qing Dynasty, representing the popularity of Jingkou’s calligraphy circle in the early Qing Dynasty.

宋四家法書 卷 蔡襄上資政諫議明公尺牘;蘇軾書次韻三舍人省上詩 ;黃庭堅致明叔同年尺牘 ;米芾致葛君德忱尺牘
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