Letter to the Commandery Administrator Huizhi (In the Depths of Autumn)

Letter to the Commandery Administrator Huizhi (In the Depths of Autumn)

  • Image Number: K2B000151N000000001PAA
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: Zhu Xi;朱熹
  • Form: 冊(蝴蝶裝)
  • Description:
    Zhu Xi (1130-1200) was a master of the Song Dynasty, who devoted his whole life to the construction of a new national order. Therefore, Xiaozong was very excited when he invited Neo Confucianism to reform the country in his later years. Unfortunately, the New Deal just started and ended with the collapse of Xiaozong. This letter is written quickly and forcefully. It was written by him on his way to Beijing in August 1194 after he left Zhitan Prefecture (Changsha, Hunan), intending to tell his subordinates about Tanzhou’s government affairs. The first paragraph mentioned the sad “national mourning”, referring to the death of Emperor Xiaozong in June of the same year. But when Emperor Ning succeeded to the throne in July, he had the opportunity to enter the imperial court to preach, which made him happy.

宋朱熹尺牘 冊 01

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