Xu Beihong’s Double Horse Axis

[Xu Beihong’s Painting Axis of Two Horses]

The Painting Axis of Two Horses, in modern times, is painted by Xu Beihong in paper, with colors, 62 centimeters vertically and 45.8 centimeters horizontally
Self title: “Brother Bide, Ms. Tian Qiong, gave a commendable gift. In the spring of the 34th year, I wrote a congratulatory letter in the middle of the sorrow.” With the seal of “King Sun of the East China Sea” in white, the rectangular seal was affixed
The 34th year refers to the 34th year of the Republic of China (1945), when Xu Beihong was 50 years old
This is a wedding gift from Xu Beihong to Bide and Tian Qiong. It depicts the intimate scene of two horses running side by side, dependent on each other
In his later years, Xu Beihong’s horse painting technique had reached the level of perfection. The outline of the horse in the picture is shaped by lines, which are accurately, finely, and freely sketched, demonstrating the author’s profound line drawing skills. “The various parts of the horse’s body are haloed with thick and light ink, showing a sense of volume, texture, and light and shade relationship in the changes in the depth of the brush and ink layers.”.
图片[1]-Xu Beihong’s Double Horse Axis-China Archive

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