Chen Shizeng Garnet Map Axis

[Chen Shizeng’s Garnet Painting Axis]

The Garnet Painting Axis, in modern times, is painted by Chen Shizeng in paper, with colors, 133.2 centimeters vertically and 32 centimeters horizontally
Self title: “With this pomegranate, the fragrance of the wind rises, the clouds of fire do not flow, and the rays burn in Zhu Xia, accounting for the wheat and autumn of the bumper year. The day after the Xinyou Dragon Boat Festival, it was written with the seal of” Shizeng “,” Immortal “, and” Daily Profits of Ten Thousand “
“Xinyou” refers to the tenth year of the Republic of China (1921)
The picture depicts autumn flowers and fruits, including pomegranates, okra, etc. The pen is quite full and flexible. When applying color, light ink is added to alleviate the concentration and brightness of the color, thereby achieving an elegant color effect.
图片[1]-Chen Shizeng Garnet Map Axis-China Archive

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