Giuseppe Castiglione Equestrian Chart Axis

[Axes of Equestrian Painting of Giuseppe Castiglione and others]

Axes of Equestrian Painting, painted by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, Giuseppe Castiglione and others, in silk, with color, 223.4 cm in vertical and 426.2 cm in horizontal.
Amir Sana and Dawazi, who had initially ascended the throne of the Junggar khanate, fought against each other due to conflicts of interest. After Amir Sana’s defeat, he requested to be attached to the Qing court and visit Emperor Qianlong. Emperor Qianlong was overjoyed by Amarzana’s initiative to vote for the Qing Dynasty. More importantly, through the affiliation of Durbert Sancheling, Amarzana, and others, he further learned about the internal situation in Junggar, thereby strengthening his confidence in sending troops during the internal turmoil in Junggar, in order to complete the “unfinished business” of his grandfather Emperor Kangxi and his father Emperor Yongzheng during the two dynasties. Considering that Amarzana has not suffered from acne, the venue for the meeting was chosen as the Summer Resort, and the time was set for the cold winter
On November 15 of the same year, Emperor Qianlong held a grand welcome ceremony in the villa, and then entertained Ajiersana to watch the wonderful equestrian performance together with the Mongols and the special department Banjul, the Duerbote department Namaku and others. In order to commemorate this grand gathering with historical significance, Emperor Qianlong ordered Western painter Giuseppe Castiglione to organize court painters to make a documentary description of it. This painting, like the “Banquet in the Ten Thousand Trees Garden”, is a grand masterpiece, depicting many characters. However, with the author’s reasonable and orderly layout, it appears to be dynamic and static, mixed but not chaotic, making the main characters stand out. The painter did not intentionally paint the Emperor Qianlong high and large, or arrange it in the center of the painting to attract attention. Instead, he showed himself riding a flower horse at the front of a conical queue composed of princes and ministers, or sitting on shoulders held by everyone. The skillful design of the painter also made people feel the shock of the Emperor Qianlong’s majesty, making him the most important character in the painting

图片[1]-Giuseppe Castiglione Equestrian Chart Axis-China Archive

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