Empress Xiao Xian Chun’s Imperial Suit Image Axis

[Axis of the Imperial Suit Image of Empress Xiaoxianchun]

Axis of the Imperial Suit Image of Empress Xiaoxianchun, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, in silk, with colors, 194.8 centimeters vertically and 116.2 centimeters horizontally

The character in the painting, Empress Xiaoxianchun (1712-1748), surnamed Fucha, was born in a family of high-ranking officials with a history of many years. Her ancestor was Mishan, who was a minister of the Ministry of Household. His father, Li Rongbao, was in charge of Chahar. She received a good orthodox education from an early age, was proficient in etiquette, understood the principles of justice, and had a high level of cultural accomplishment. On July 18th, the fifth year of the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty (1727), she was appointed by Emperor Yongzheng to the seventeen-year-old emperor’s fourth son, Hongli, as the direct descendant of the Jin Dynasty. After the reign of Emperor Hongli, she was made queen. She is industrious and frugal, and does not like luxury. The clothing items in the palace at ordinary times are not gold, jade, pearls, and emerald, but simple and simple flowers made of grass and velvet. She and Emperor Qianlong treated each other with great respect and sincere affection, showing great affection. On the fourth day of February in the 13th year of Qianlong’s reign (1748), during a tour with Emperor Qianlong’s Empress Dowager, Emperor Fenghuang, he died of exhaustion and prolonged illness in Dezhou, Shandong Province. Emperor Qianlong was deeply grieved and rushed back to the capital to take care of the afterlife. He also dressed him in plain clothes for the 12th day; He wrote “Sad Ode” and poems to express his regret and memory for the Empress’s early death

The picture shows a court dress portrait painted by a court painter for her when she was crowned queen at the age of 24

图片[1]-Empress Xiao Xian Chun’s Imperial Suit Image Axis-China Archive

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