Embroidery scroll of Avalokitesvara in Arhat Dynasty

[Gu Embroidery Arhat Dynasty Guanyin Chart Axis]

Gu Embroidery Arhat Dynasty Guanyin Chart Axis, late Ming Dynasty, 120 cm long and 45 cm wide
This picture axis is the story of the gods worshipping Guanyin in the fairy tale of colorful embroidery on the ground of natural silk. The work adopts the single halo decoration method. The patterns of figures, rocks, clouds, trees, potos and flowers are embroidered with needle winding, needle rolling, plain gold and thread stitching, and then rendered with stone green, ochre and bright red. The work has not been embroidered in a large area, but is only stitched on the line. The characters in the painting are in the clouds, which can be seen as moving. The picture is embroidered with “tiger head” and “Zhongzi Lansheng’s needlework”
The style of this work is very close to that of Ding Yunpeng, a painter of the Ming Dynasty. The composition is novel, the lines are smooth, and the matching of painting and embroidery is appropriate. It fully shows Gu embroidery’s half-silk and half-color creation technique.
图片[1]-Embroidery scroll of Avalokitesvara in Arhat Dynasty-China Archive

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