Maitreya Buddha carved in red sandalwood

[Maitreya Buddha carved in red sandalwood]

Maitreya Buddha carved in red sandalwood, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, is 17.2 cm high, with a bottom diameter of 22-13 cm
The Buddha is made of red sandalwood, with eyes closed, smiling mouth half open, large earlobes and shoulders, bare chest and abdomen, sitting cross-legged with arms bent against the bag, holding the cloth bag with the left hand, and touching the knee with the right hand
With an old tree root, the author vividly depicts the relaxed and contented look of the potbellied Maitreya Buddha with the round-carving technique. This work has fine carving, skillful knife technique and natural and smooth lines. It is a masterpiece of woodcut round carving in the late Ming Dynasty
This work was allocated by the National Cutural Heritage Administration to the Palace Museum in 1962.
图片[1]-Maitreya Buddha carved in red sandalwood-China Archive

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