Fan page of Li Liufang’s landscape map

[Li Liufang’s landscape painting fan page]

The landscape painting fan page, Ming Dynasty, Li Liufang’s painting, gold paper, ink pen, 18.5cm vertical, 55.3cm horizontal
The fan page has its own title: “Ding Mao’s early spring was written by his brother 90000 words. Li Liufang.” The seal is “Li Liufang’s seal”. “Ding Mao” is the seventh year of Qiqi tomorrow (1627), and the author is 52 years old
This fan composition is a flat and distant method from near to far, and the brushwork is sparse and simple. From it, we can see not only the elegant painting style of imitating Ni Zan, but also his change of Ni’s painting style. In addition to imitating Ni’s brush and ink, the author also pays attention to innovation, which is exactly the embodiment of his aesthetic painting thought of “learning from the ancient but not becoming the ancient”, which is that he said that the nature of the brush and ink is a little bit, and no longer attached to the fence “. This kind of thought was very rare in the painting world where the trend of worshiping the ancient was prevailing at that time

图片[1]-Fan page of Li Liufang’s landscape map-China Archive

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