Dong Qichang Yanling Village Map Axis

[Dong Qichang Yanling Village Map Axis]

The “Yanling Village Map” axis, painted by Dong Qichang in the Ming Dynasty, in silk, colored, 78.5 cm vertically and 30.2 cm horizontally
This self-question: “Yanling Village is in the east of Maoshan, and there is a tablet of Zhang Congshen. Congshen, who was in the Tang Dynasty, was in the right of Li Beihai. Zhao Zigu said that his book was on the right of Li Beihai. The tablet of Xuanjing Heavenly Master and the tablet of Yanling Jizi are both in Huayang, and the style of writing is similar to that of Xu Hao’s Sanzang Master. The tablet of Yanling was also written by Xiao Ding. He said, ‘Listen to music to debate the rise and fall of the country, judge the sages to know the existence of the number of the world, hang a sword to show the unspoken faith, avoid the country and protect the chastity of lust, and the Xuanfeng can think of it, and the supreme virtue is like the cloud Yong, Wei Zhao, Wang Su and Ji Ziersi. In February of Guihai, it was painted in the Danyang boat, and the picture of Yanling Village was written here. Dong Xuanzai. ” Seal “Dong Qichang”
The collection seal is “Liu’s Hanbi Village Seal”, “Rongfeng Appreciation”, “Wu Yi Liu Shu Approval”, “Ne An”, “Hanbi Master”, and “Bao San Jiancang”
“Guihai” is the third year of the opening of tomorrow (1623). Dong Qichang was 69 years old. A volume of Dong Huating Calligraphy and Painting compiled by Qingfushan people in the Qing Dynasty
Yanling Village has profound historical and cultural connotation because of its “Tang Dynasty Zhang Congshen Stele”. With this title, the painter aims to create the same “ancient meaning” as the stone tablet. This picture depicts the overall style of Yanling Village from a bird’s eye view. The composition is rich in content. It uses the turning point of the mountains, the echo of the peaks and the space of clouds to create a vast and distant space, which shows the geographical features of Yanling Village. However, this is different from the realistic representation. The painter describes the beautiful and thick mountains, the dense and strange pines, and the villages looming in the morning mist in a lyrical style, which is the artistic processing based on the real landscape. In the application of pen and ink, the painting method of the mountain stone in the picture is to combine the outline with Dong and Ju’s Pima Cun, and the painting method is subtle. The color design pursues the charm of Jin and Tang dynasties, and is simple and elegant. Here, the painter combines the style and artistic conception of the Yuan people with the style and artistic conception of the Tang and Song people, and then creates a plain, elegant, naive and simple “ancient meaning”. The Yanling village in the painting thus appears real and has a distant meaning, quiet, quiet and full of ancient interest, which is the “wonder” created by Dong Qichang. In addition, the regular script on the top of the picture is dignified and elegant, the ink is clear and bright, and has the demeanor of Jin and Tang dynasties, which together with the picture itself conveys a simple and elegant artistic atmosphere.
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