The postscript of Mr. Jingchun’s poetry collection in regular script by Chen Yizeng

[Chen Yizeng’s regular script, the postscript volume of Mr. Jingchun’s poetry collection]

The postscript volume of Mr. Jingchun’s poetry collection, Yuan, Chen Yizeng’s book, paper, small regular script, 31.2 cm in length and 49.5 cm in width

This preface is signed with the words “Jiwang in March of the first year of Zhizhi”, that is, 1321. The postscript of Mr. Jingchun’s poetry anthology written by Chen Yizeng is a section of the preface volume of Mr. Jingchun’s poetry anthology of the Yuan Dynasty. In addition to Chen Yizeng, Gong Ju, Lu Wengui, Yang Zai, Tang Michang and others wrote the preface, Yu Ji, Guo Linsun wrote the postscript, Qian Chongding wrote the poem, and Huang Jin wrote the epitaph of Mr. Jingchun Yuan Jun

Interpretation (omitted)

Jingchun Hall is the name of the Zhai Hall where Yuan Yi lived. The Jingchuntang Poetry Collection was compiled by Yuan Zhongchang, the second son of Yuan Yi, who edited his father’s manuscript and asked his father’s friend to write a preface
This preface is written in small regular script. It is powerful and elegant. The strokes are exquisite and smooth. The strokes are elegant and elegant. According to Tao Zongyi’s “The History of Calligraphy”, “Chen Yizeng was good at calligraphy, and all of the real grass, seal and official script were familiar with it, and each had its own method.” Chen Yizeng’s ink is rarely handed down, which is his representative work.
图片[1]-The postscript of Mr. Jingchun’s poetry collection in regular script by Chen Yizeng-China Archive

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