Xuanzan scroll of Chinese classics in Tang Dynasty

[The Xuanzan Volume of the Chinese Classic of Chinese Calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty]

The Xuanzan Volume of the Chinese Classic of Chinese Calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty, paper version, cursive script, 28.4 cm in length and 373.2 cm in width
The black silk column of the volume boundary is missing at the beginning and end, and the author of the book is unknown. The writing content is “Xuanzan of the Dharma Sutra”, which is a monograph explaining the teachings of the “Lotus Sutra of the Miraculous Dharma” written by the disciple of Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty (632-682)
The scriptures written in the Tang Dynasty are mostly regular script, and cursive script is extremely rare. This scroll has uniform air, elegant style, and small shape, but it is subtly turned, and the law is just like it. There is a slight flavor of Zhangcao in the current grass, which can be used for mutual reference with the Song of Graduation of Sui people and the Book of Songs of Sun Guoting. It should be written by experts in the early Tang Dynasty
There are “Luo Zhenyu’s seal”, “Kang Sheng has seen it”, etc.
图片[1]-Xuanzan scroll of Chinese classics in Tang Dynasty-China Archive

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