Chen Siye and other stone Buddha statues

[Chen Siye and other stone statues of Sakyamuni]

Chen Siye and other stone statues of Sakyamuni, the second year of Taining in the Northern Qi Dynasty (562), with a residual height of 35 cm
Sakyamuni and Duobao Buddha sit side by side. They both use the meditation seal in one hand, and the fearless seal in the other hand, and sit on their feet (the body part is incomplete). Behind the two Buddhas is a peach-shaped back screen, and under it is a rectangular Sumiti. There are coiled dragon columns and two flanks on the outside of the image (which have been damaged). In the middle of the front of the base is the two earth gods holding the Boshan stove. There are animal faces between the earth gods. Next to them are the two dharmapalas. On the left side is the deer head Brahman holding the skeleton, and on the right side is the bird holding the Boshu fairy. The two are opposite. They sit half-folded, wearing a narrow sleeve robe, and full of boots. The outside of the dharmapala is a lion and a warrior. The vow on the back of the base reads: “On February 15, the second year of Taining in the Great Qi Dynasty, the Buddha disciples Chen Siye, the Buddhists’ Association, the Bhikkhu Faxun, the younger brother Huibin, and so on, for the sake of the deceased father and mother, the deceased father and mother, and their family members, made the white jade Sakyamuni’s parents image area (body) Because of Zhan Situ, I would like to make my family big and small, die of the existing, die of the seven generations first, and die of the western limitless life Buddha country, and □ Xingkangyan, brothers □ □, all climb the right path, boundless Dharma, and become a Buddha for a time. ” This white stone statue was unearthed in Quyang, Hebei
The theme of the Deer Head Brahma and the Vesu Fairy can also be seen on the two white stone statues unearthed with this work. One is the statue of Siwei Bodhisattva in the North Qi Dynasty. Its base theme is the same as this one. The image of the deer head Brahma and the veil like the head of the goddess of the Buddha, wearing boots, is clearer than the above. The other is Sakyamuni and Duobao Statue in the first year of Qianming (560) in the Northern Qi Dynasty. The Deer Head Brahman and the Vesu Fairy are between the lion and the strongman, facing the middle, holding the bird and the skeleton in both hands. The Deer Head Brahma Annals and the image of Bosu Immortal have been found in Yungang Grottoes, the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang and some statues. Some scholars regard it as the patron saint of Sakyamuni, and believe that it appeared with Sakyamuni. However, the Deer Head Brahma Annals and Bosu Immortal on the stone statues unearthed in Quyang are combined with Sakyamuni, Duobao and Siwei Bodhisattva. Obviously, the scope of law protection should be broader. In addition, in other regions, most of the images of the Hun people with curly hair and high nose and deep eyes are the Bonsou Fairy and Deer Head Brahma, while the three pieces of Quyang, although wearing Hu clothes, are the images of the Han people, which is also one of the local characteristics of this theme.
图片[1]-Chen Siye and other stone Buddha statues-China Archive

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