Han Zisi made stone thinking image

[Han Zisi’s Stone Making Thought Image]

Han Zisi’s Stone Making Thought Image, North Qi, 36.5 cm high
The bodhisattva wears a crown on his head, with a silk band on his forehead, and the silk band floating to his shoulder. Put your right hand on it, lift your right leg up, and sit on the hoof with half open arms. The next step is Xiaoliantai. On the front of the base, two children hold the Boshan stove, and on the outside, there are lions and strongmen, and on the side, there are two gods and kings. On the back of the base is engraved with a vow: “On April 8, Tianbao 7, Han Zisiyang was the dead parent, and made the white jade Siwei (Wei) as the first area (body).”
Although the statue is incomplete, its clothes are simple and its lines are smooth, which is a masterpiece of the Northern Qi thinkers

图片[1]-Han Zisi made stone thinking image-China Archive

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