The practice of making stone with double thoughts

[Practice to make stone double thoughts]

Practice to make stone double thoughts, Northern Qi, residual height 33 cm
This Buddha is in the shape of a double thought bodhisattva, symmetrical from left to right, and one of the thought heads is missing. There is a threat but no dragon tree, and the threat is connected with the Lord. The image of the base is divided into two layers, the bottom is a boy and two lions, and the upper layer is the furnace entrusted by the boy and two donors, who worship. The outer two Lux spans the upper and lower floors. Three niches are carved on both sides of the base, one up and two down, with one person sitting in each niche. The vow on the back of the base: “On November 20, the third year of the Heqing Dynasty, the Buddha disciple Falian made a jade statue (body). The upper part is the emperor (without the word” emperor “), and the lower part is the monk’s parents. I saw them in the past, and I would like to go straight (value) first (west) to the land of Miaolo (music) and become a Buddha for a time

图片[1]-The practice of making stone with double thoughts-China Archive

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