Portrait stone of the gate post of the official figure of the West King’s mother gate

[The Portrait Stone of the Official Map of the West King’s Mother Gate]

The Portrait Stone of the Official Map of the West King’s Mother Gate is 116.5 cm high and 38 cm wide in the Eastern Han Dynasty
The stone image in this painting is divided into three frames. At the upper left, the Queen Mother of the West sat on the sacred tree, with two feathered people kneeling on both sides and holding objects. There were immortal birds and animals on the trunk of the tree; In the middle picture, there is an official with a halberd; Below is Xuanwu with four eyes. The right column is decorated with continuous rolling grass patterns
The immortal map of the Queen Mother of the West carved in the Eastern Han Dynasty in Shaanxi Province is usually carved on the fixed position of the pillar of the tomb door, in order to pray for the Queen Mother of the West to guide the dead to ascend to heaven and become immortals. Mysterious images disguise the tomb as a legal conversion place for life renewal and continuation. There is no fear of death or sadness of parting. Everywhere there is a good life of singing and dancing, driving eagles and dogs, and gathering and drinking. People entering the tomb are not death, but the beginning of a new life

图片[1]-Portrait stone of the gate post of the official figure of the West King’s mother gate-China Archive

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