Confucius saw the portrait of Laozi

[Confucius sees the portrait of Laozi]

Vertical: 38 cm, horizontal: 165 cm
This is the Qing Dynasty rubbings. Huang Yi engraved postscript
This stone depicts the historical story of Lu Zhaogong and Confucius sharing the same car with each other and asking Lao Tzu for gifts. This “The Portrait of Confucius Seeing Laozi” is one of the stone portraits in the Wu Temple. Shiyuan was in Ziyun Mountain, Jiaxiang, Shandong Province. In the 51st year of Qianlong’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1786), Huang Yi visited and moved to Jining State School. This stone was unearthed earlier and has a list title. It can be regarded as the best of many Confucius and Laozi stone portraits, and has high historical and artistic value. The stone is now in the Stele Room of Jining Museum, Shandong Province
Huang Yi’s bibliography of small Penglai Pavilion

图片[1]-Confucius saw the portrait of Laozi-China Archive
图片[2]-Confucius saw the portrait of Laozi-China Archive孔子见老子画象图片[3]-Confucius saw the portrait of Laozi-China Archive孔子见老子画象

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