Hunting pattern lintel stone

[Hunting pattern lintel stone]

Hunting pattern lintel stone, Eastern Han Dynasty, 36.5 cm high, 193 cm wide
The left and right corners of the stone lintel of the portrait are respectively carved with the sun and moon wheel, and the round shape is carved with toads and crows. The picture is divided into two columns. The picture in the upper column is immortal birds and animals, decorated with curly grass patterns. The next column depicts the hunting scene of the warrior fighting with tigers, bears and other wild animals with his bow. The stone relief was unearthed in northern Shaanxi
The hunting scenes carved on the lintel are the themes that often appear in the stone reliefs in northern Shaanxi. Northern Shaanxi in the Eastern Han Dynasty was a place for soldiers and immigrants. This large-scale riding and hunting activity is a true representation of the social history at that time

图片[1]-Hunting pattern lintel stone-China Archive

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