Portrait stone on the lintel of Guo Zhongli’s tomb

[Stone on the lintel of Guo Zhongli’s tomb]

Stone on the lintel of Guo Zhongli’s tomb, Eastern Han Dynasty, 33.5 cm high and 164 cm wide
This is the lintel part of the upper part of the gate of Guo Zhongli’s tomb. The design is mainly about the content of traveling by car and horse. The official script “Therefore, the outer chamber of Guo Zhongli’s tomb is surrounded by the west river of the Yanmen Yin Pavilion” is engraved on the inside. It can be seen that this tomb is Guo Zhongli’s Yin residence
According to the Records of Geography in the Book of Han Dynasty, Yanmen County was built in the Qin Dynasty, and Yinguan was one of its subordinate counties. It was originally called Shanyuan, and was renamed Yinguan when Wang Mang. Yin Guancheng is the local executive next to the county magistrate. According to the burial custom that people should be buried in the family cemetery after their death, although the owner of the tomb was the Yin Guan Cheng, it was still buried in the Yuanyang County, Xihe County, where the ancestral home was located. This lintel was unearthed in Lishi, Shanxi Province around 1920 and handed over to the Palace Museum by the former Institute of Liberal Arts of Peking University in 1960

图片[1]-Portrait stone on the lintel of Guo Zhongli’s tomb-China Archive

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