Yu Liren

[Yuli Man]

Yuli Man is 9.6 cm high, 2.3 cm wide and 0.8 cm thick. Lingjiatan Culture in the Neolithic Age
The jade material is chicken bone white due to being soaked. The jade man has a vertical shape, a square head, and a crown carved with a dark line and a square pattern, with large eyes, a triangular nose, a large mouth, a beard on the lip, and a circular hole at the two earlobes. Hold your arms close to your chest, separate your fingers, and have an engraved garment pattern on your wrist. Twill ribbons are carved on the waist. There are gaps between the legs to carve toes
This jade figure has a well-proportioned proportion and a simple carving method, which shows the simple appearance of some ancient costumes and also reflects the carving skills of the prehistoric craftsmen in the Jianghuai region. Lingjiatan culture, discovered in 1987 in Lingjiatan, Hanshan County, Anhui Province, is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It is later than the Hemudu culture and Majiabang culture in the same region, but should be earlier than Liangzhu culture, and is equivalent to the Xuejiagang culture in the same region. It is one of the important areas for the development of early jade culture in China.
图片[1]-Yu Liren-China Archive
图片[2]-Yu Liren-China Archive玉立人背面

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