Old photos of the scenery of Wuzhou, Guangxi in 1930

In 1930, a group of old photos of the scenery of Wuzhou, Guangxi, was sent. This group of photos was taken by John Middleton from Shakford’s Chinese Photos Collection; B· John B. Shackford

Shackford traveled and worked as an English teacher in South China in the late 1920s and early 1930s (possibly in Lingnan University in Guangzhou)

From June to July 1930, Shackleford SutraWuzhou,Guijiang,Lijiang,Guilinarrives atLingqu, Xing’an County, visited Guangxi and took the following photos   It is the east gate of Guangxi and the city closest to Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in the 12 provinces of the Western Development of China. It borders Fengkai County and Yunan County in the east, Luoding County in the southeast, Rongxian County in the south, Pingnan County in the west, Zhaoping County and Lipu County in the north, Hezhou in the northeast, and Jinxiu County in the northwest

The following are previews of 3 photos of this group:

1930年 广西梧州风光老照片一组送上,本组照片出自《沙克福德中国照片集》,拍摄者是约翰·B·沙克福德(John B.Shackford)



梧州,广西下辖地级市。梧州是古苍梧郡、古广信县所在地,是粤语的发源地之一,岭南文化发源地之一。梧州位于广西东部,扼浔江、桂江、西江总汇,自古以来便被称作“三江总汇。 [13]  是广西东大门,是中国西部大开发十二个省中最靠近粤港澳的城市,东邻封开县、郁南县,东南与罗定接壤,南接容县,西连平南县,北通昭平县、荔浦县,东北与贺州接壤,西北与金秀县毗邻。


图片[1]-Old photos of the scenery of Wuzhou, Guangxi in 1930-China Archive

图片[2]-Old photos of the scenery of Wuzhou, Guangxi in 1930-China Archive

图片[3]-Old photos of the scenery of Wuzhou, Guangxi in 1930-China Archive

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