Photos of Songhua River taken in Harbin in 1931

Photo of Songhua River taken in Harbin in 1931

This group of old photos is from the photo collection taken by Pendleton in Heilongjiang in 1931. There are a total of 40 old photos of Harbin. This group is all about the Songhua River. SeeThe urban scenery of Harbin in 1931.

There are 7 photos in this group. The preview is as follows:

图片[1]-Photos of Songhua River taken in Harbin in 1931-China Archive

图片[2]-Photos of Songhua River taken in Harbin in 1931-China Archive

图片[3]-Photos of Songhua River taken in Harbin in 1931-China Archive

图片[4]-Photos of Songhua River taken in Harbin in 1931-China Archive

图片[5]-Photos of Songhua River taken in Harbin in 1931-China Archive

图片[6]-Photos of Songhua River taken in Harbin in 1931-China Archive

图片[7]-Photos of Songhua River taken in Harbin in 1931-China Archive

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