The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago

Share a group of old photos of Jurong, Jiangsu, from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty. Let’s take a look at the beautiful scenery of Qianyuan Temple, Wanning Palace, Jiuxiao Palace and Huiju Temple in Baohua Mountain a hundred years ago; Seono Zhen co authored “** Cultural Historical Sites”, Vol. 4, pp. 8-14. The pictures in this book were basically taken between 1906 and 1928. It was published in the Japanese French Tibetan Museum from 1939 to 1941

Let’s take a look at this group of old photos

图片[1]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

宝华山 慧居寺 大雄宝殿前庭

图片[2]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

宝华山 慧居寺 大雄宝殿前庭

图片[3]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

宝华山 慧居寺 毘卢内 毘卢舍那佛

图片[4]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

句容  茅山  二茅峰 德佑观 大门

图片[5]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

句容  茅山  二茅峰 德佑观 前景

图片[6]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

句容 茅山 华阳洞
图片[7]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

句容 茅山 九霄宫_
图片[8]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

句容 茅山 元符万宁宫 后墟
图片[9]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

句容 茅山 元符万宁宫 前墟
图片[10]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

茅山 乾元观 大罗殿

图片[11]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

茅山 乾元观 大罗殿内三天尊

图片[12]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

茅山 乾元观 大罗殿内三天尊(中)道德天尊

图片[13]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

茅山 乾元观 前门
图片[14]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

茅山 乾元观 松风阁图片[15]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

茅山 乾元观 陶弘景手植木莲

图片[16]-The old photo of Jurong, Jiangsu in 1906 The beautiful scenery of Maoshan Temple buildings a hundred years ago-China Archive

茅山 重建乾元观碑记 拓本

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