Share a group of old photos of Gaozhou, Guangdong, in the 1930s, and let’s have a look at the urban and rural landscape and characters of Gaozhou more than 80 years ago
Gaozhou City, a county-level city entrusted by Maoming City, is located in the southwest of Guangdong Province, near the South China Sea in the south
“ Gaozhou” This place name was created by“ High cooling” It evolved. Before Sui Dynasty, Gaoliang Prefecture was located in Enping and Yangjiang; Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it has gradually developed to the west, and the political center has also moved to the territory of Gaozhou; By the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, roads, government offices and county offices were all located in Maoming County (today’s Gaozhou City)
Gaozhou City was built in the 18th year of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty (598). In the first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1368 AD), Gaozhou Prefecture was set up, which was the first of the four lower prefectures in Guangdong. In the Republic of China, the prefecture was removed from Liuxian County. From the Tang Dynasty to the Republic of China, Gaozhou has always been the central city in western Guangdong. In June 1993, the county was removed and set up as a city (county level)
宝光塔 俗称“粉塔”,位于高州城西鉴江边上。明朝万历四年(公元1576),高州知府张邦伊倡建。共耗资13万两白金(银元),其中邑人李铠捐资8万,其余由高州所属六个县分摊凑足。塔为平面八角九层仿楼阁式砖塔。通高65.8米,底座平面直径12米,塔腔为壁内折上式,可到达顶层。塔身假平座,每层开东、南、西、北四个小门。底座周围嵌有“双凤朝阳”、“鲤跃龙门”、“云鹤翱翔”、“梅花奔鹿”等构图新颖、造型朴素美观、富有民间艺术特色的石浮雕图案21幅。
过去塔内底层塑有佛像,装饰华丽,粉彩鎏金。解放后曾先后两次维修,但因经过多次雷击,塔顶渗漏,塔身出现裂痕。1993年再次维修加固。 现为铜质葫芦型塔顶。该塔具有较高的历史、科研和艺术价值,是广东省文物保护单位。