Scenery of Chengde, Hebei Province, on old postcards issued by Japan during the Anti Japanese War

This is a group of old postcards collected in the library of Kyoto University in Japan. They were issued by the Japanese that year, recording the charm of Chengde, Hebei, during the Japanese invasion

This group of postcards was published by Japanese imperialism to beautify the war of aggression against China and colonial rule, so this group of photos also records the humiliation history of the Republic of China during that special period

Chengde is the most famous summer resort. Chengde Summer Resort, also known as“ Chengde Palace” Or“ Rehe Palace”, It is a world cultural heritage, a national AAAAA tourist attraction, a national key cultural relics protection unit, and one of the four famous parks in China. The Villa is located in the north of the downtown of Chengde, Hebei Province, on a long and narrow valley on the west bank of the Wulie River. Founded in 1703, the Villa is a summer resort for Qing emperors and a place to deal with government affairs

图片[1]-Scenery of Chengde, Hebei Province, on old postcards issued by Japan during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

承德 离宫内苑之雅景

图片[2]-Scenery of Chengde, Hebei Province, on old postcards issued by Japan during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

承德 离宫 全景

图片[3]-Scenery of Chengde, Hebei Province, on old postcards issued by Japan during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

承德 火神庙街 大通寺???

图片[4]-Scenery of Chengde, Hebei Province, on old postcards issued by Japan during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

承德 大佛寺 五百罗汉


图片[5]-Scenery of Chengde, Hebei Province, on old postcards issued by Japan during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

承德 忠灵塔

图片[6]-Scenery of Chengde, Hebei Province, on old postcards issued by Japan during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive

承德 离宫内苑热河起源之石标

图片[7]-Scenery of Chengde, Hebei Province, on old postcards issued by Japan during the Anti Japanese War-China Archive


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