The life style of Nanjing people during the Japanese occupation period in the 1940s

This is a group of historical moments shot around 1940, mainly reflecting the real life of Nanjing people during the Japanese occupation period

The photographer of this group of photos is a Japanese photographer, Shibo Yang Cun. He came to China during the Japanese war of aggression against China and was mainly responsible for the Japanese Manchurian Railway subsidiary“ North China Transportation” Engaged in the investigation of railway facilities. During this period, Zhiboyang Village took a large number of photos reflecting the Chinese style at that time, which were all taken around 1940

Quite a few of these photos have been preserved. This group chose the old photos of Nanjing taken by him. It can be seen that after the Nanjing Massacre, there are very few people in the city street scenes in the photos, and the damage caused by the Japanese invasion war is very huge

图片[1]-The life style of Nanjing people during the Japanese occupation period in the 1940s-China Archive


图片[2]-The life style of Nanjing people during the Japanese occupation period in the 1940s-China Archive


图片[3]-The life style of Nanjing people during the Japanese occupation period in the 1940s-China Archive



图片[4]-The life style of Nanjing people during the Japanese occupation period in the 1940s-China Archive



图片[5]-The life style of Nanjing people during the Japanese occupation period in the 1940s-China Archive

南京 太平南路

图片[6]-The life style of Nanjing people during the Japanese occupation period in the 1940s-China Archive


图片[7]-The life style of Nanjing people during the Japanese occupation period in the 1940s-China Archive


图片[8]-The life style of Nanjing people during the Japanese occupation period in the 1940s-China Archive


图片[9]-The life style of Nanjing people during the Japanese occupation period in the 1940s-China Archive

图片[10]-The life style of Nanjing people during the Japanese occupation period in the 1940s-China Archive

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